Our virtual BX career talk was held on June 26 featuring BX Alumni panelists: Jimmy Gao, Mu Yutong, and Rokuro Watanabe, who shared about job hunting, interviewing, and networking in a world impacted by COVID-19. Moderated by BX Alumna, Yerin Chu, the session also addressed different workplace cultures, working abroad, and transitioning from school to work. On how to stand out from other candidates, especially during these unusual times, Yutong advised scholars and alumni to show prospective employers that they are able to work proactively and effectively, even from home. Looking back on his career path, Jimmy spoke about how his company’s culture of training allowed him to hone his skills and establish a firm foundation. “For the new graduates, don’t care too much about title or salary. Instead, see if the company provides its employees with opportunities to grow and learn,” he said. As for Rokuro, networking is crucial. “In terms of job hunting, networking and connections are very important and the Bai Xian community is an extremely valuable resource.”