#BXSP21: Challenges Accepted!

Calling all #BXSP21 participants!  Here comes our Summer Program virtual board game: “Challenges and Opportunities”.  Simply complete the daily task during the Summer Program to earn points and level up for a chance to win a cash coupon of HKD500 and special gifts!  For bonus points, be on the lookout for add-on tasks and opportunities.  Watch this space for the daily challenges!


Day 9: Get Your Questions Ready!

(Last day to earn points!)


💡Today is all about dialogues and exchange of ideas
💬Ask your questions live and share your takeaways from one of today’s sessions (via Instagram story or comment below!)


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Complete (some of) the daily tasks by sending us the form below!

[contact-form-7 id="22444" css_animation="alpha-anim" title="Ask "]

For photo/video challenges, please submit your file here.

(File name: “Your name_date”)

Submit photo/video