(Hong Kong, August 19, 2024) To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Bai Xian Asia Institute (“BXAI” or the “Institute”), a special gala dinner was held on August 17, 2024 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Shanghai. The event also marked the successful completion of BXAI’s ninth Summer Program, which took place from August 3 to 18, 2024 and was co-hosted with Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), a longstanding Partner University of BXAI since 2015. Bai Xian (BX) Scholars, Alumni, friends, partners, and BX community members gathered together for a memorable night of fun, food, and fellowship as they celebrated the new friendships and memories formed during the Summer Program, as well as BXAI’s achievements and journey over the last decade.

“Education is a long-term investment,” said BXAI CEO, Ms. Ronna Chao. “As we recognize 10 years of building bridges across cultures, we look forward to forging ahead in our efforts to develop a new generation of leaders through intercultural exchange and learning, while cultivating a sense of community and mutual understanding amidst a changing global landscape.”

The gala dinner was the first of a series of 10th anniversary events, community activities, and programs to be held across Asia in the third quarter of 2024 and into 2025. A special booklet and video have also been produced to mark this important milestone.


BXAI Summer Program 2024

A key component of BXAI’s Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program, the annual Summer Program takes place every August and gathers current scholars on one university campus for an exciting and enriching experience designed to broaden perspectives, foster community, and extend learning beyond the classroom.

The BXAI Summer Program 2024 was attended by 64 BX Scholars, most of whom being members of BXAI’s 10th cohort of students. 13 countries and regions were represented by the participants, who come from a wide range of academic backgrounds including business, humanities, social science, and science. Through a series of panel discussions, personal development workshops, excursions, and community-building activities, participants had valuable opportunities to hear from leaders and experts from various fields, delve into this year’s theme – “Digital Transformation in Asia”, form new friendships, and experience the rich culture and heritage of China.

The Summer Program Kicks Off

The Summer Program officially commenced on August 3 with an opening ceremony that included remarks by Prof. Ji Weidong, Director of Center for Japanese Studies of SJTU (Ministry of Education Accredited Institute), and Prof. Katsuichi Uchida, President of BXAI, who warmly welcomed scholars and introduced this year’s theme. Participants then took part in an afternoon of interactive team building challenges that kickstarted the formation of new friendships and encouraged them to exercise their leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.


Cultural Immersion

Excursions serve an important role in the Summer Program, and allow scholars to immerse themselves in the history and culture of the host country while getting to know each another. During the first few days, participants visited unique sights in the vicinity of Shanghai such as Mount Mogan in Deqing County and the historic town of Wuzhen, where they enjoyed an opportunity to soak in the breathtaking Jiangnan landscapes and explore an ancient Chinese town. Hands-on workshops, visits to cultural attractions, and collaborative activities along the way further enriched each scholar’s experience. “The excursion was a great icebreaker for everyone,” one scholar reflected. “We were free to just have fun, enjoy ourselves, and become more comfortable with one another. It was a good way to start our two weeks together.”

The following weekend featured a brand-new city tour activity titled, “Bai Xian Shang-highlights”, which exposed students to the various facets of Shanghai’s history, culture, and development. Participants were divided into teams, given specific destinations to visit across the city, and asked to produce creative group photos and a video showcasing their experiences, which were submitted afterwards for a chance to win a special prize.


Personal Growth and Soft Skills Development

The first week saw participants diving into a series of workshops that focused on important 21st-century skills such as public speaking, leadership, self-branding, and self-awareness. Interactive, practical, and empowering, each of the sessions equipped scholars with vital skills that will undoubtedly serve them well in their current academic life and future careers.

“I have never seriously thought about my strengths and weaknesses, so the character leadership workshop pushed me to really think about who I am and to set a goal for where I want to be in the near future,” said one scholar. “Now I am actively considering the steps I need to take to develop the traits I learned about in the workshop.”


Academic Exploration

Moving into the second week, scholars examined this summer’s theme, “Digital Transformation in Asia,” through academic sessions and panel discussions designed to deepen their understanding of key topics surrounding Asia’s digital transformation, such as generative AI, smart city development, and AI in finance. One scholar reflected, “Even though this is not my area of study, I have discovered how digital transformation actually pertains to all of us and our future, and therefore is something we all need to learn about, and so I am grateful for this opportunity to hear more about this important subject.”

A visit to Bilibili, a Shanghai-based online entertainment company and leading video platform, brought much of the scholars’ learning to life as they saw and experienced the inner workings of a large-scale, full-spectrum Chinese tech company.


Community Building and Collaborative Learning

Towards the end of the Summer Program, students enjoyed a chance to connect with the BX community at a “Coffee & Chat” session with members of BXAI’s leadership, and an alumni evening with scholars from previous cohorts. “Hearing from the speakers and alumni got me thinking about my future career, and what kind of problems I want to solve,” said one scholar. “How do I not let my job just be a job, but mean something more?” Scholars then wrapped up their learning journey by preparing for and delivering final group presentations, which focused on their insights on “Digital Transformation in Asia,” as well as their ideas on how to promote cross-cultural communication.

A Memorable Conclusion

The final day of the Summer Program started with a leadership-themed keynote lecture given by returning speaker, Mr. Jason Lai, who led an engaging session with support from a live orchestra. Participants gained a new perspective on leadership, with a few being invited to try their hand at conducting an orchestra to personally experience the power of authentic leadership and teamwork. The lecture was followed by a closing ceremony in afternoon, which featured remarks from Prof. Ding Kuiling, President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University; and Mr. Yutaka Aso, member of BXAI’s Advisory Council; a keynote speech by Mr. Kenny Lam, CEO of Two Sigma Asia-Pacific; and an award ceremony for the Best Presentation Awards and Summer Program certificates. A handover ceremony served as a meaningful conclusion to the event, with Prof. Zhang Ansheng, Vice President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, passing the BXAI calligraphy book to Ms. Haruna Shiratori of Hitotsubashi ICS to symbolize the passing of the baton to next year’s Summer Program host.

The Summer Program drew to an official close at the gala dinner, a signature event that took on new meaning this year as the BX community gathered to not only celebrate the completion of the Summer Program, but also to commemorate BXAI’s 10th anniversary. The evening kicked off with a keynote speech by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, who shared a hopeful message that a cooperative mindset and mutual understanding are keys to peace and the sustainable development of Asia, and that BX Scholars are well-equipped to lead the way. Throughout the evening, captivating performances by scholars showcased the impressive talents of BXAI’s 10th cohort, while alumni shared about their Bai Xian memories and experiences as cultural ambassadors and bridge builders. Mr. Ronald Chao, Honorary Chairman of BXAI; and Ms. Ronna Chao, CEO of BXAI; also took the opportunity to share a few words as they reflected back on BXAI’s 10-year journey and encouraged scholars and alumni to continue building bridges and contributing to the community. “Looking at our ever-growing community, I am so encouraged to know that our young aspiring leaders are well-equipped to contribute to BXAI’s vision of a peaceful, sustainable, and conflict-free modern Asia,” said Ms. Chao. “As I contemplate our next decade and beyond, I find myself excited for the possibilities that lie ahead, and look forward to continuing in our efforts to invest in Asia’s new generation of leaders. Thank you all for being a part of our journey!”